Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Photo Update

Well we finally see Bangkok in the light. So here's an update of our travels here -

 Final Photo leaving Fargo, ND

 Thanks for bring us to the airport and seeing us off Dad! :)
Our first flight was quick from Fargo to Chicago - here's a picture of our airplane we'll took from Chicago to Seoul, South Korea.

 Korean Air had great service! It was a 14 hour flight - it seemed like we ate or drank something every 2 hours. We got pillows, blankets, slippers, and a toothbrush. The flight had ample leg room and touch screen t.v. screens. It was also neat because the airplane had cameras on the nose and belly of the outside of plane so we could watch the world. It was odd traveling 14 hours all in the daylight, we caught some zzzzs on this long flight. We had window seats on all fights - YAY! Below is us on the plane after we landed in Seoul.

We had a quick layover, about an hour, in Seoul. We watched the sunset in on our flight to Bangkok. 
We arrived in Bangkok around 9pm. Immigration was very quick and we got our luggage right away. Then we headed off to find a taxi, which was also quick and easy. The taxi ride was about 20-30 minutes to our hotel. Here's a short video of our ride.
After meeting some fellow teachers we slept for a few hours. Breakfast this morning was interesting, but good food. Rice, eggs, stir-fry type veggies and meats, cereal, coffee and juice. 

 View from our hotel room

 Sweet hotel room
 Just some light reading
Now we're off to lunch and to do some exploring near our hotel.
P.S. If you had troubles commenting before and were unsuccessful, we think we've fixed the problem so please try again. If you are still having problems let us know.


  1. Nice Update - very exciting - what a difference a day makes!

    This is a test to see if I can do an anonymous post. It worked yesterday when I copied Maggie's message. Make sure to type in BOTH test words - the pictured word and the other - at least that worked yesterday.....fingers crossed! Kathy

  2. OK - I didn't have to type in any words???? Oh well - Kathy

  3. We changed that setting so I don't think that will be necessary anymore. But if it is still there you need to type in both set of numbers/letters - the picture and the other one. Let us know if there are more issues with commenting - they are sure nice to receive and I look forward to reading them! :)

    If you don't have an account listed in the options and don't want to set one up - you can post as anonymous and just leave your name in the post so we know who you are. If you do have an account listed you can also use that.

  4. Looks like an great fist few days, Its hard to belive you two are that far away. Keep expolring and take lots of pictures of everythign and the food. Hope you can find a fried tarantula!!

  5. So excited for you guys! Hope you're having a wonderful first day!
